Why It's Ok Not To Know What You Want To Be When You Grow Up

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
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Not sure who you are or what you want to be "when you grow up"? 

You're not alone. We're all figuring it out, no matter how old we might get. 

Most of us have no idea what we want to be when we “grow up.” There’s all this pressure to know exactly who you want to be, where you want to be, and what you want to do. The burden of trying to find those answers isn’t limited to a specific age group, either.

At no point in your life will you have all the answers. And that’s ok. That’s what we’re all doing here at Ƶ: trying to figure it out -whatever it is. 

In this process, this time in your life -whether you’re sixty or twenty- it doesn’t have to be intimidating and troublesome. You can take the question marks and choose to see them as opportunity to explore. After all, aren’t we all looking for something, leaning forward, pressing against what we have in hopes for something better?

In these times of searching ourselves, the questions can be overwhelming in a paralyzing way. Why not use the questions as ammunition to propel us forward, instead of letting them drag us down.  It’s easy to see the world’s success, to look out and wonder where you’ll fit in even if you do choose a major and eventually choose a career path. But, it doesn’t have to be so daunting. 

At Ƶ, we have over 150 degrees and certificates that range from fire science to phlebotomy and creative writing to geology. With a diversity of courses, you can fulfill requirements and also take a few wild card classes at a price lower than 75% of all the colleges and institutions in Arizona. You can embrace your own curiosity in different areas of study without the consequence of financial strain. 

The ambition to be someone, to do something grand or important, is a process. This process is life, and it's a good thing. The struggle of figuring it all out is intertwined the triumph. The struggle will lead you up the mountainside, onto plateaus, next to the cliffs, down into the valley. But the journey, the road, the give and take, is the process that is good and worth it and edifying.

It’s time-consuming to find yourself, but give yourself the grace and patience to fully experience each winding turn. Starting here, at Ƶ, will help you build a future that you can confidently charge toward no matter how bumpy or smooth the journey may be. 

Together, we’re striving toward bettering ourselves which is why Ƶ isn’t just a place to take classes, but is a family of thinkers and doers and dreamers altogether ambitious in the life-long journey of “growing up.” 


Please visit the Academics tab on our website to search majors by name, department, certificates or degrees.