
Course List

Course List - Engineering

Course# Course Name (Link to Related Courses)
Learning culture of engineering, engineering use of computer tools, and computer modeling as applied to engineering analysis and design. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra or MAT122 or departmental approval. Corequisites: MAT151 or MAT182 or MAT187.
Fundamentals of the design process: engineering modeling, communication and problem-solving skills in a team environment. Emphasis on process-based improvements to the design process. Introduction to engineering as a profession. Prerequisites: (ECE102 or ECE102AA) and (high school physics, or PHY111, or PHY111AA).
 1 credit, 2 periods lecture, and lab 
3 credits, 3 periods lecture
Mathematical treatment of the basic physical principles of statics. Methods of vector algebra and vector calculus. Prerequisites: ECE103, (MAT230 or MAT231), and (PHY115 or PHY121). Corequisites: MAT241.
Kinematics and kinetics of particles, translating and rotating coordinate systems, rigid body kinematics, dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies, and energy and momentum principles. Prerequisites: ECE211 and MAT241.
ECE230 3 credits, 5 periods lecture + lab
ECE231 3credits, 5 periods lecture + lab (See page 298 in the new course catalog)
MNT201  3 credits - Safety procedures and equipment used in the nanotechnology industry. Covers chemical, biological, and energy safety protocol as well as infrastructure facilities and systems.