
Self-Study Math MOOCs

Self-Study Math MOOCs

优蜜视频 Offers
Self-Study Math MOOCs

Massive Open Online Classes, or MOOCs, are online courses that are open to a large amount of participants and utilize traditional course materials, as well as more innovative features such as videos.

These MOOCs (Massive Open Online Classes) are being offered completely free through 优蜜视频. There are no registration fees and all of the required course materials are free.  The courses are self-paced and registration is ongoing.  

The following full math courses are offered: 

  • Arithmetic MOOC (MAT08x)
  • Introductory Algebra Modules (MAT09x)
  • Introductory Algebra/College Algebra Prep (MAT095)
  • College Mathematics Prep (MAT103)
  • Mathematical Concepts and Applications (MAT112)
  • College Algebra Prep (MAT114/115)
  • Intermediate Algebra MOOC (MAT12x)
  • College Mathematics MOOC (MAT142)
  • College Algebra MOOC (MAT15x)
  • Trigonometry MOOC (MAT182)
  • PreCalculus MOOC (MAT187)
  • Elements of Statistics MOOC (MAT206)
  • Brief Calculus MOOC (MAT212/3)
  • Math Analysis for Business (MAT217/218)
  • Linear Algebra (MAT225)
  • Discrete Mathematics (MAT227)
  • Calculus I MOOC (MAT22x)
  • Calculus II MOOC (MAT23x)
  • Calculus III MOOC (MAT24x)
  • Modern Differential Equations (MAT276)

The following boot camps and diagnostics are offered:

  • Diagnostic - Arithmetic (MAT08x)
  • Diagnostic - Introductory Algebra (MAT09x)
  • Diagnostic - Intermediate Algebra (MAT12x)
  • Diagnostic - College Algebra (MAT15x)
  • Precalculus to Calculus I Boot Camp

Self Study MOOCs

A self-study course is an online course that offers all of the course materials of other courses, but is designed for you to use as you wish for self-study. You can use the resources anyway you feel will help you learn.

All of the course offer an ebook, video lessons for all major topics, and online homework with instant feedback and video help. There are also discussion forums for students to collaborate. An optional print copy of the text is available for $20 or less.

Each of the courses is designed to match the course competencies of the Maricopa Community College District. For a list of the course competencies, search by the course number at

  • High school students preparing to enter college.

  • Incoming students wanting to review their math skills before taking the math placement test.

  • Current students on financial aid or scholarship that have been unsuccessful in MAT082 or MAT09x and funds are no longer available to pay for these classes.

  • Students with math anxiety that have put off completing their math requirement.

  • Anyone wanting to review the math skills needed to be successful in college-level mathematics.

  • There is not an official record of your registration and these courses do not appear on your official transcript.

  • These courses do not count for college credit.