Work Related Injuries

Work Related Injuries

What is a work related injury?

A work related injury or illness is one in which the injury or illness arises out of the course and scope of your employment. Any injury to an employee during the course and scope of your employment must be reported immediately to your supervisor.

What do I do if a work related injury occurs?

If there is a life threatening situation, call 911 for ambulance transport to the nearest hospital emergency room.​

Report ALL work related injury to your supervisor immediately!  If your supervisor is not available, report the injury to another supervisor in the area or the HR department.

Only involve Public Safety if there is a life threatening injury or no other supervisors are on the campus at the time of injury (i.e.after hours or weekends).

If you are injured other than a first aid or life threatening injury, employees along with their supervisors are to call Tristar Nurse Triage at 1-833-516-1684. Tristar Nurse Triage is a nurse hotline dedicated to workplace injuries at MCCCD.  A registered nurse will gather information about the injured employee and then triage the injury.  The nurse will give instructions for care on site or refer you to a clinic for advanced care. They are open 24/7 - 365 days a year.

If medical attention is needed, pursuant to ARS 23-908 Sec. E, Tristar will send you to the nearest Concentra Medical Center (CMC), FastMed UrgentCare or MBI Clinic.

The supervisor must fill up the  of Industrial Injury form and send it to ÓÅÃÛÊÓƵ HR office, within 24 hours of injury. ÓÅÃÛÊÓƵ HR will send the form to the Risk Management office at the District Office. 


Workers' Compensation 

For more information, please visit District's  web page.

Workers' Compensation is managed by . Please contact them for additional information at (480)731-8947 or via email at dl-dssc-risk-management@domail.maricopa.edu.